
Chris Blec and Blec Report thanks these projects and organizations for choosing to help further the cause of transparency in DeFi by offering their financial support.

Sponsorships do not indicate an endorsement of the project by Blec Report or Chris Blec. More info on this below.

Beanstalk Farms
Report now available
Threshold Network
Report now available

In the interest of transparency, Chris Blec will conduct an honest centralization review of all public supporters who are featured on this page. This report is largely made possible by the funding, but it is in no way to be mistaken for sponsored content. Sponsors will have no editorial control over or input into this review (outside of cooperation with fact-finding) and it will be published on Blec Report with or without its blessing. There is no guarantee or promise that sponsors will approve of this report, nor is there guarantee or promise that the sponsor’s products will be endorsed in any way by Blec Report.

To avoid conflicts of interest, the total funding amount is always provided up-front, before any reviews take place. Each sponsor agrees in advance that funding is absolutely not contingent on a positive report.

TLDR: These Blec Report sponsors are offering financial support even though that means that Chris Blec will be independently diving deep into their work, reviewing it for points of centralization and areas where trust is required, and exposing the results on Blec Report.